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Rakaposhi Base Camp Trek

Rakaposhi Base Camp Trek

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Duration: 12daysMax altitude: 3261mGrade: EasyRakaposhi base camp trek one of the easiest treks in the region with the magnificent view of Rakaposhi,Diran peak and Hunza valley. The Minapin Glacier sweeps down from long fluted snowy ridge thatconnects Rakaposhi and Diran.The excellent short trek from Minapin village to Rakaposhi base camp,known locally as Tagaphari, easily accessible

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Hunza Patundas Trek

Hunza Patundas Trek

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Altitude: Min 600m – Max m4100mZone: OpenDuration: 13daysBest Time: June – End of OctoberProgram:Alpine ridge Patundas (4100m) situated between Passu and Batura glacier. Patundas hassweeping Mountain Views in all directions. A state viewing platform, over looking Batura glacierjust behind the huts. From here, superab view of kuk Sar peak-I (7943m) kuk Sar-II (6925m) andKanjut Sar

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Rash Phari Trek and Hunza valley tours

Rash Phari Trek and Hunza valley tours

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Altitude: Min 600m – Max 4196mZone: OpenDuration: 14daysBest Time: June – End of October Rush Phari (4196 m).trek take us through Rash Phari lake. It is located about 15 km north ofMiar Peak and Spantik (Golden Peak) (which are in the Nagar valley). Rush Lake and Rush Peakcan be reached via Nagar and Hopar and

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Around Nanga Parbat Trek

Around Nanga Parbat Trek

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Altitude: Min 600m – Max 5150mZone: openDuration: 20 daysBest Time: June – End of September Trek to Killer Mountain Nanga Parbat (8125m) base camp, the world ninth and second highestpeak in Pakistan, lies on the western corner of the great mountain range Himalayan. It is anisolated range of peaks surrounded by the Indus River and

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Shimshal Pamir Trek

Shimshal Pamir Trek

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Exposing the Magnificence of the Pamir Pass in Shimshal The Shimshal Pamir Pass is a testament to the breathtaking grandeur of nature and the allure of uncharted territories. It is nestled within the heart of the breathtaking Karakoram Range. This undiscovered gem presents itself as a must-visit location on any discriminating traveler’s bucket list, appealing

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Batura Glacier Trek

Batura Glacier Trek

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Range: KarakoramAltitude: Min 600m – Max 4000mZone: OperDuration: 16daysBest Time: April – End of November The Batura Glacier (56km), fourth long glacier in Karakurum Hunza region. Starting fromGilgit, traveling along KKH through the mythical Hunza valley Passu. Along the way Passu villageto the Batura glacier, the arid landscape is often interrupted by lush green field.